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Will Rogers Ministry
Will Rogers Elementary School is close to the Stillwater Church of Christ and is home to a diverse group of students with unique demographics. 20% of students have parents that are international students, and 84% of students qualify for free or reduced lunch due to the financial circumstances of their families. Whatever the cause, the faculty and students have needs that they cannot meet.
The purpose of this ministry is to show Jesus to the children, parents, faculty, and staff through financial assistance and personal relationships. Our efforts include providing school and classroom supplies to students and faculty, recruiting volunteers to assist classroom teachers as they identify needs, and assisting children that have fallen behind in reading through the Reading Buddies program.
As relationships are built, more programs will emerge. This ministry is open to any member with a heart to serve children and the school staff.
For more information, contact Debbie Quirey at (580) 761-2912 or Paula Lewis at (405) 385-0836.

Paula Lewis
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